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BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
13-07-2014, 09:21 AM,
Post: #31
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
From the first page:

"you should remove block from all files in Rheingold folder. For example C:\Program Files\Rheingold\SQLiteDBs and C:\Program Files\Rheingold\TesterGUI\bin\Release.
Select file and click right button, open Properties and click Unblock, after click Apply."

don't worry for bad english, they prefer to fool NB than give a help to who can't understand
they lack "the protocol".... ahahaha
Reputation: -1 - zekan23 [-1]
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13-07-2014, 13:50 PM,
Post: #32
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
i'll buy a working package from some ebay granted seller

There's nothing special about the ebay sellers. They have just downloaded the same packages that are available here for free (or from torrent sites). And sold it on to unsuspecting buyers, claiming it as their own work.
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13-07-2014, 15:06 PM,
Post: #33
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
I know Dren1977, and rheingold 343.10 is working now even if k+dcan calble don't communicate with bmw bike...
i'll try to connect with ediabas and a new set of sp-daten...
not lucky till now
if i succed in this attempt i'll post the results without insult anyone who ask how to do...
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13-07-2014, 19:23 PM,
Post: #34
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
(12-07-2014, 07:31 AM)belinassu Wrote:  @tizwoz i understand what you mean, but i followed istructions step by step from the beginnig of this topic, so i can't understand why it doesnt work...

Mate your killing me

you even follow this bit

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13-07-2014, 19:56 PM,
Post: #35
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
Tizwoz i followed that, but another guide told to move lancher to another folder and it didn't work...
(i red a lot, but reading too much guides may brung to confusion..)
now rheingold works, but i can't comunicate with bmw bike... i'll do some other try...

my problem was my poor english, and i apologized for that, but someone told me to burn my car and my cable, called me fucking nb and insult me telling idiot, "leave this forum and earth"...change job...etc etc...
so i believe you were born expert or someone think to be god on earth....
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16-07-2014, 06:53 AM,
Post: #36
XZBMW  RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
Hi m8,
please any help for my problem
Laptop is FUJITSU esprimo v6535 OS win7 32 bit
followed your install instr. but no way to solve problem with license
Everytime after successful activation (pasting license file bellow key and confirm ISIS no "1" and hit Finish button program won't start and after 2nd click on istagui.exe or launcher shortcut I get the message that rheingold isn't activated. Installed everything from redist folder. Inpa is working 100%. But Rheingold no chance, always message is not activated.
Tryed on 2nd partition at same laptop win xp sp3 but problem the same INPA is working Rheingold license problem.
Please give some info to help what could be problem
Regards from croatiabiggrin[/i]
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16-07-2014, 09:13 AM,
Post: #37
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
(16-07-2014, 06:53 AM)nikest021 Wrote:  Hi m8,
please any help for my problem
Laptop is FUJITSU esprimo v6535 OS win7 32 bit
followed your install instr. but no way to solve problem with license
Everytime after successful activation (pasting license file bellow key and confirm ISIS no "1" and hit Finish button program won't start and after 2nd click on istagui.exe or launcher shortcut I get the message that rheingold isn't activated. Installed everything from redist folder. Inpa is working 100%. But Rheingold no chance, always message is not activated.
Tryed on 2nd partition at same laptop win xp sp3 but problem the same INPA is working Rheingold license problem.
Please give some info to help what could be problem
Regards from croatiabiggrin[/i]

is the computer connected to internet ? if so disconnect it and then try.
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[+] 4 users say Thank You to TizWoz for this post
16-07-2014, 09:43 AM,
Post: #38
RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
No any role if is connected or not.I installed in both modes and no problem at least in both machines with XP. smile
Maybe problem is in other side sweating
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[+] 2 users say Thank You to coriducu for this post
16-07-2014, 10:42 AM,
Post: #39
XZBMW  RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
(16-07-2014, 09:43 AM)coriducu Wrote:  No any role if is connected or not.I installed in both modes and no problem at least in both machines with XP. smile
Maybe problem is in other side sweating

Thanks both Mr TIZWOZ & CORIDUCU

Well honestly after installation and license activation when Rheingold 1st started with istagui.exe everything was ok but internet connection was ON. After laptop shutdown and turn on never again RHEINGOLD started (always license problem), That's my real problem. So I think that net connection is no issue regarding other peoples posts.
Please any idea - maybe hdd formatting and new install all over again.
regards people yes
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16-07-2014, 10:59 AM,
Post: #40
XZBMW  RE: BMW ISTA-D Rheingold 3.44.10 Standalone (EN, DE, CN, RU)
(16-07-2014, 06:53 AM)nikest021 Wrote:  Hi m8,
please any help for my problem
Laptop is FUJITSU esprimo v6535 OS win7 32 bit
followed your install instr. but no way to solve problem with license
Everytime after successful activation (pasting license file bellow key and confirm ISIS no "1" and hit Finish button program won't start and after 2nd click on istagui.exe or launcher shortcut I get the message that rheingold isn't activated. Installed everything from redist folder. Inpa is working 100%. But Rheingold no chance, always message is not activated.
Tryed on 2nd partition at same laptop win xp sp3 but problem the same INPA is working Rheingold license problem.
Please give some info to help what could be problem
Regards from croatiabiggrin[/i]

With notepad creat Rheingold.txt file and copy this, save. Rename file to Rheingold.reg and run reg file
Quote:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



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