Xentry ZenZefi Always On. - Printable Version

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Xentry ZenZefi Always On. - kakolrad - 10-08-2023

ZenZefi Always On.
Hello to everyone who is struggling with the standart license (ZenZefi) for new Mercedes.
I present my solution for this license, which can be extended in a simple way using my program to roll back the date.
This way works, tested it on w223.
I put the whole package needed for licence.

My job is just a program to change the automatic date and test it on the car.
The rest is not my work, but the users of this forum and they deserve thanks.

A short installation manual.
1. Copy the date changes folder to the C drive and create a shortcut to the change datetime desktop.
2. Open the ZenZefi-ui abbreviation folder and put the ZenZefi-UI shortcut to open the ZenZefi license file on your desktop, then you can change the desktop icon.
3. The next step is to load a valid license which is in the ZenZefi-Cert(optional) folder.
Licenses can be loaded in two ways: 1, it's automatically from the Install_Cert shortcut, and 2, it's from the ZenZefi-UI desktop icon we placed earlier.
The license included in this folder has an expiration date of 02/11/2023. If someone has a newer one, they can use the newer one.
4. Instructions for using my program. I'm from Poland, that's why I made the program for myself in Polish and only later I decided to share with you my solution after testing.
Please see photos 1 to 3.
There are two buttons in the program.
The nu button 1 changes to the correct date we need for the standard license and the button 2 is to set the correct date that we want to obtain.
In fact, after that we only use the button marked nu in the pictures, 1. First click on the nu button. 1 changes the date to the one we previously set and the second time clicking on the button 1 restores the date to the correct (current)
When activating Xentre, please set the correct date for the standart license, otherwise xentry with a valid ZenZefi license will not start.
5. Option for recognizing C003.Error.Patch drivers.
It's not my job, I just added it to make it easier for users.
Thanks for this work are due to the author.

Don't spam the thread and send me a private message to get the password.
If you want to receive a password to my share, you must:
1 Have a reputation of at least 35
2 Thank you + appreciation for the previous article

Please don't write. Ended.

RE: Xentry ZenZefi Always On. - alexbenz - 14-08-2023

what about the date/time sync from the control module itself will this work with it too