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ISTA iLean 4.50.40 Free until 02 January
07-10-2024, 20:36 PM, (This post was last modified: 29-12-2024, 01:00 AM by Bmwboss.)
Post: #1
XZBMW  ISTA iLean 4.50.40 Free until 02 January
ISPI ISTA Next 4.50.40 iLean offline Lifetimlicense  is available free of charge until 02 January  as already mentioned in the title. This is my personal thank you to all members of the forum.

Download link ONLY with Rep+and thanks (Pm)

You need to add PSdZData 4.50.40 yourself

ISTA Standalone version 4.50.30 ( 49€ lifetimelicense )

For security reasons I can't create a new link because someone keeps complaining about my link to Mega which led to my account being blocked. Someone doesn't like that I offer the free version to people here and they keep trying to report the link to Mega. If you would like links please send me a private message. 

Available languages: English and German 

Please do not ask about other languages – I don't have any other others

Please add your request as an attached rar file

Users can request a free license in this thread, requests via PM will be ignored

More than 1 license requested will be ignored

There is no 24-hour service
  • If you like my work and feel free to make a donation to CT Forum Admin @Volavka. Donations are completely voluntary - any support, large or small, is warmly welcomed

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

ISTA iLean Offline-Lizenz (PM)
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ISTA Standalone Lifetimelicense (PM)
Telegramm: bmwboss3
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[+] 476 users say Thank You to Bmwboss for this post
07-10-2024, 21:41 PM,
Post: #2
XZBMW  RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
Hi, Bmwboss...
generate pls license for me...

Attached Files
File Type: .txt
Downloaded: 322 times
Size: 452 bytes

Hit Thanks and Reputation button if this post helped you.
Reputation: +2 - QTman1215 [+1] , Arcadius82 [+1]
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[+] 1 user says Thank You to maxtorrld for this post
07-10-2024, 21:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-10-2024, 22:07 PM by Bmwboss.)
Post: #3
RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
(07-10-2024, 21:41 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  Hi, Bmwboss...
generate pls license for me...

send me Request.license request in folder This is wrong what you sent me.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

ISTA iLean Offline-Lizenz (PM)
ISTA Online  (PM)
ISTA Standalone Lifetimelicense (PM)
Telegramm: bmwboss3
Reputation: +1 - timelord [+1]
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[+] 3 users say Thank You to Bmwboss for this post
07-10-2024, 22:15 PM,
Post: #4
XZBMW  RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
(07-10-2024, 21:50 PM)Bmwboss Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:41 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  Hi, Bmwboss...
generate pls license for me...

send me Request.license request in folder This is wrong what you sent me.

I added the extension *.txt because I can't attach a file with the extension *.licenserequest

Hit Thanks and Reputation button if this post helped you.
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07-10-2024, 22:20 PM,
Post: #5
RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
(07-10-2024, 22:15 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:50 PM)Bmwboss Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:41 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  Hi, Bmwboss...
generate pls license for me...

send me Request.license request in folder This is wrong what you sent me.

I added the extension *.txt because I can't attach a file with the extension *.licenserequest

Request.license request create in Rar

ISTA iLean Offline-Lizenz (PM)
ISTA Online  (PM)
ISTA Standalone Lifetimelicense (PM)
Telegramm: bmwboss3
Quote this message in a reply
07-10-2024, 22:31 PM,
Post: #6
XZBMW  RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
(07-10-2024, 22:20 PM)Bmwboss Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 22:15 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:50 PM)Bmwboss Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:41 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  Hi, Bmwboss...
generate pls license for me...

send me Request.license request in folder This is wrong what you sent me.

I added the extension *.txt because I can't attach a file with the extension *.licenserequest

Request.license request create in Rar

like this...?

Hit Thanks and Reputation button if this post helped you.
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[+] 1 user says Thank You to maxtorrld for this post
07-10-2024, 22:47 PM, (This post was last modified: 16-10-2024, 08:03 AM by E46-Cabrio.)
Post: #7
RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
Here is my request.

Much appreciated  handshake
Quote this message in a reply
07-10-2024, 22:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-10-2024, 23:27 PM by Bmwboss.)
Post: #8
RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
(07-10-2024, 22:31 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 22:20 PM)Bmwboss Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 22:15 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:50 PM)Bmwboss Wrote:  
(07-10-2024, 21:41 PM)maxtorrld Wrote:  Hi, Bmwboss...
generate pls license for me...

send me Request.license request in folder This is wrong what you sent me.

I added the extension *.txt because I can't attach a file with the extension *.licenserequest

Request.license request create in Rar

like this...?

(07-10-2024, 22:47 PM)E46-Cabrio Wrote:  Here is my request.

Much appreciated  handshake

ISTA iLean Offline-Lizenz (PM)
ISTA Online  (PM)
ISTA Standalone Lifetimelicense (PM)
Telegramm: bmwboss3
Reputation: +1 - E46-Cabrio [+1]
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[+] 2 users say Thank You to Bmwboss for this post
07-10-2024, 23:51 PM,
Post: #9
RE: ISPI ISTA+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
Also! Here is the link for 4.49.4xx ICOM FIRMWARE if needed.

4.49.xx_ICOM FIRMWARE.txt
File Type: .txt
Downloaded: 154 times
Size: 110 bytes

Reputation: +1 - Bmwboss [+1]
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[+] 4 users say Thank You to 2013m5 for this post
08-10-2024, 01:58 AM,
Post: #10
RE: ISTA ISPI NEXT+ 4.49.40 Free until 01 November 2024
thank you bmw boss rep and thanks give already

thanks for all members
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[+] 2 users say Thank You to hicazkar for this post

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